Annual Report

Annual Report

The Yukon Law Foundation is required to produce an Annual Report pursuant to the Yukon Legal Profession Act. A financial audit is undertaken each year following the Foundation’s year-end, which is October 31. An Annual Report is produced following the completion of the financial audit, and provided to the Minister of Justice to table with the Yukon Legislative Assembly.

Yukon Legal Profession Act, S. 83:

83(1) After the end of each year, the foundation shall prepare and submit to the Minister and the      executive a report consisting of
          (a) a general summary of its transactions and affairs during that year, and its revenues and           expenditures during that year;
          (b) an audited balance sheet; and
          (c) any other information the Minister may require.
     (2) On receiving a report under subsection (1), the Minister shall cause a copy of it to be tabled      in the Legislature if it is then in session or, if it is not then in session, during the next session.

Download Annual Report 2021-22 

Download Annual Report 2020-21 

Download Annual Report 2019-20 

Download Annual Report 2018-19 

Download Annual Report 2017-18 

Download Annual Report 2016-17 

Download Annual Report 2015-16

Download Annual Report 2014-15

Download Annual Report 2013-14

Download Annual Report 2012-13

Download Annual Report 2011-12 

Download Annual Report 2010-11 

Download Annual Report 2009-10 

Download Annual Report 2008-09 

Download Annual Report 2007-08 

Download Annual Report 2006-07 

Download Annual Report 2005-06 

Download Annual Report 2004-05 


Our Funding Programs

A fund for law-related activities such as education, legal research, legal aid, law reform and maintenance of the law library.
Spring Grant Application Deadline: Extended to May 31
Fall Grant Application Deadline: August 31
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A fund for scholarships that is made available for law or law related studies.
Application Deadline: August 31 each year
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Financial assistance for Yukon articling students attending bar admission courses outside the territory.
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