About Us

The Yukon Law Foundation was established pursuant to the Yukon Legal Professional Act. The 2017 revised Legal Profession Act outlines the objectives of the Yukon Law Foundation in Part 7. The Foundation is responsible for maintaining and managing a fund accumulated primarily from the interest on lawyers’ trust accounts, to be used for:

  • Legal Education;
  • Law Library Maintenance; and
  • Legal Research for law reform and administration of justice.

Our Funding Programs

A fund for law-related activities such as education, legal research, legal aid, law reform and maintenance of the law library.
Spring Grant Application Deadline: Extended to May 31
Fall Grant Application Deadline: August 31
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A fund for scholarships that is made available for law or law related studies.
Application Deadline: August 31 each year
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Financial assistance for Yukon articling students attending bar admission courses outside the territory.
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