Yukon Law Foundation

The Yukon Law Foundation is the recipient of the interest that banks must pay on clients’ funds held in lawyers’ general trust accounts. The interest is made available by the Foundation to organizations and individuals engaged in activities that are considered to be in keeping with the Foundation’s objects.

The Foundation does not provide legal information and advice.

This site will provide you with complete information about the Foundation including annual reports, financial statements, and grant and scholarship application procedures.

Grand proposal deadline extended

We have been experiencing technical issues with our email and website over the past several weeks, which are now being rectified. If you have sent an email to us and have not yet received a reply, please resend your email. Our grant proposal deadline has been extended from April 30 to May 31.

Our Funding Programs

A fund for law-related activities such as education, legal research, legal aid, law reform and maintenance of the law library.
Spring Grant Application Deadline: Extended to May 31
Fall Grant Application Deadline: August 31
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A fund for scholarships that is made available for law or law related studies.
Application Deadline: August 31 each year
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Financial assistance for Yukon articling students attending bar admission courses outside the territory.
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